We produce territory wines: Chiaretto di Bardolino DOC, Bardolino DOC and Custoza DOC. To enhance our region potential, we created three Cru: Le Morandine (Chiaretto di Bardolino DOC), Custoza 218 and Sommacampagna Bardolino DOC!
At Il Pignetto you can also find other wines, such us our “Morandone” and “Campo del Bepi”, dedicated to grandpa Giuseppe. If you’re getting curious come to visit us in the winery, a taste is worth a thousand words.
If you desire to order our wines, just send us an e-mail to by telling us:
1. Which wines and the number of the bottles you desire to purchase (the minimum order is a box of 6 bottles or a multiple, for example 12-18-24. etc.)
2. Your address and telephone number
We’ll confirm the order and the total amount to pay (delivery fees included) and all the information.
Once the payment is received, we’ll send you the wine! It will arrive in 6-10 working days from the sending date.